Australia Vs America – Who Parties Harder?

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So a blog over at has posted a live recording of the Big Day Out festival held in Australia. The recording is entitled 2011-01-30-Big Day Out, Flemington Racecourse. Now, perhaps I just didn’t look hard enough or the memo just never got to my desk but there were hardly ANY proper bootlegs from Warped Tour last Summer. I don’t know how many shows Andrew played but I know it was more than this Australian festival. He plays a few shows in Australia and BAM we get some recordings! You win this one Australia, but I’ll gladly take the loss if this means we get more AWK concerts out of you. Thanks to fanmaderecordings you can enjoy the following:

Archived: 2011-01-30-Big Day Out, Flemington Racecourse Melbourne, Australia

This is what they said about it:

Andrew W.K.
Probably the funnest set of the day here. So much energy coming from Andrew and his band. The circle pits were pretty awesome too.




1. Take It Off (Cuts In)
2. You Will Remember Tonight
3. Long Live The Party
4. She Is Beautiful
5. Ready To Die
6. We Want Fun
7. I Get Wet
8. Party Hard

Length: 36:35

Sound Quality: B+

Wait! We’re not done. We would also like to make mention of a track Andrew covered, a live track, Half A Chance by Baby Dee. Major thanks to Lex Leningrad for making use of our Uploader tool. There, anybody can upload virtually any media format (text, pics, audio, video, etc.). It was recorded @ Newbury Comics in Norwood, MA on March 23, 2010.

Archived: Half A Chance

The Zen of Screaming + AWK

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I’ve edited together this DVD which features AWK as a guest. The clips are AWK related only. If you want to watch the full thing you can always buy the DVD. Andrew gives some interesting insights on his change in vocals, which changed noticeably in-between the records The Wolf and Close Calls With Brick Walls. An interesting fact is that Andrew met his future wife Cherie Lily through their vocal coach Melissa Cross.

Download edited Clips featuring AWK


I Was Born To Love You E-Single

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Without further introduction… I Was Born To Love You E-Single Here is the history of the song from Queen: History of the song MAJOR THANKS TO SIMON_X

Site-wide Renovation

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“Less clutter and more content!” was the goal of our renovation. Though it may look like there’s less stuff around, there’s actually more features and content than EVER! You’ll notice the top navigation bar has been heavily condensed. It’s also been made easier to navigate the site, allowing you to know what section you’re actually viewing (blog, archives, tools, etc.). Also, many of the side-bars were removed and placed in the main navigation bar to remove the clutter it was creating.

We’ve removed the traditional forums and replaced it with a community that acts more like a social-network. This approach is more integrated within the site itself and will allow a site-wide login, a personal profile and you will get exclusive access to all the areas of the site (except the store). This helps the site have a more consistent feel.

You must register to get access to the full site!

With your new membership you can add to the Media Archives in a more personal way by sharing your photos in our NEW Photo section.

Probably the most noticeably overhauled section is our Shop. There you’ll find custom Andrew WK merch you can purchase. In turn this enables us to re-invest in purchasing MORE rare AWK content and adding it to the Media Archives section, which is free! The fully functioning store is now in-house and includes a shopping-cart and a secure checkout process. Due to the sensitive data entered while making online purchases you must also create an account at our shop, separate from your personal membership account.

Part 2 of Silent Night

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Watch it here:

Andrew W.K. and Rodney The Mailman cover Silent Night | Video | Holiday Undercover | The A.V. Club.

Sorry for the spam and bot attacks

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We’ve been doing some major changing to the structure of the website recently which has left the doors open to bots registering and leaving spam in our news posts. Those affected the most adversely are those who subscribe to our Email and RSS subscriptions (since they’re the ones bombarded). We apologize and hope you forgive us! Please be patient as we get things under control.
-dickalan (webmaster)

oh and PARTY HARD!

Andrew W.K. Covers “Silent Night”

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We tried to rope our old pal Andrew W.K. into doing the original Undercover series, but our schedules didn’t quite mesh. Were making up for that with two Holiday Undercover appearances the second, which features a very special guest, will air tomorrow. Here, you’ll see Andrew deliver a beautiful, harrowing solo rendition of Silent Night, a classic that dates back to about 1816: Andrew tells us it’s one of his favorite songs of all time. What else has Mr. W.K. been up to lately? Oh man, you can see him on the Cartoon Network show Destroy Build Destroy, as well as on tour. His sorta-lost definite-classic Close Calls With Brick Walls was recently issued in America, packed together with the rarities compilation Mother Of Mankind. Add it to your wish list, and tune in tomorrow for Andrew, Part 2!