A new admin member named GVOLTT has really come through for us this time. We now have for your viewing pleasure, the full season of Your Friend, Andrew W.K.. Which is something I’ve been trying to track down for about 1 1/2 years. They are .wmv files and the quality isn’t the best but its still an awesome find, so thank you GVOLTT !!!
Quick note: He made perfect use of our new Archive Uploader Tool where anyone can upload content easily!
Also I’ve managed to grab every episode of Destroy Build Destroy that’s aired so far. Supposedly there are six episodes of the second season but only four have aired. It looks like there is some sort of hiatus since early December on the last two episodes? These are .FLV files so you might need a .FLV player. But they are still pretty good quality.
We also have up Crashing With Andrew W.K.. A hilarious show about Andrew spending the week at an all girls college! Sadly its an one-episode-special that aired on MTV. Anyway we got em all up and running for you. ENJOY!
Crashing With Andrew W.K., Your Friend Andrew W.K., & Destroy Build Destroy can be found in the video archive section of this website.