Here is the full AMA of the Andrew W.K. 4chan Q & A. Check out the original full discussion in this saved screenshot.
Anonymous ## PARTY HARD
This is Andrew W.K.
Ask me anything.
7:00 PM EST
02/13/11(Sun)19:03 No. 15550817
[First Post]
This is Andrew W.K. Ask me anything.
How does one BECOME the party as you have? How can I possibly commit my life entirely to partying, AWK?
First of all, I’m so happy to be here and I’m really grateful to 4chan, moot, gingermod, and shut for having me. And thank you to EVERYONE at 4chan for making this place what it is. To answer your question about BECOMING a party, if you have to ask, you already are.
Do you think that you are more attractive with or without beard?
I think I look like Andrew W.K. and that’s all that matters.
Are we ever gonna get another album like 55 Cadillac?
Thank you for asking. Since 2005, I’ve been working on an album called Young Lord, an album called The Carrier, and an instrumental rock and roll album. And I absolutely want to record another album of piano music, but it won’t be like 55 Cadillac – that album was a one-off for many reasons both personal and professional (or unprofessional).I’ve put many of these long term recording projects on hold while I’ve focused on other musical efforts. Right now I’m recording for my new album. It’s party rock.
I’m answering as fast as I can! The guys here at @4chan told me that things are a little slow at the moment due to heavy traffic. We’re going as fast as we can! THANK YOU! KEEP PARTYING!
Hi Andrew. I just got here but I have a question. What is your FAVORITE MEME? Sorry if question has been asked already.
Well, my new favorite meme is THANK YOU BASEDGOD. I’ve been a huge fan of Lil B for the past few years and have been totally pysched about him and everyone who is getting into me.
Why on earth would you put your reputation on the line by openly browsing this shit hole? At least you’re not on /b/. We don’t like them.
Why would be here? At this shit hole? Because this place rules and I’m just blown away by how intense 4chan is. I’ve been very grateful that moot and the BASEDMODS invited me to do this. I’m a big believer in this board. 4chan is one of the most important human achievements of all time.
How old are you?
Andrew, what was the greatest moment of your life?
The greatest moment of life so far is being here right now on 4chan. The second best moment of my life was being born.
Dear Andrew W.K, If you were stuck on an island for the rest of your life and you had a CD Player with unlimited battery life and 5 CD’s, what 5 CD’s would they be?
I would bring 5 copies of Neutral Milk Hotel – In The Airplane Over The Sea.
I Hate Music !iO2WczwrpU 02/13/11(Sun)19:42 No.15552654
What brand of white shirts do you endorse?
The brand of t-shirt I’ve been wearing for years is Fruit of The Loom.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:42 No.15552653
Are you straight edge Andrew W.K.???
I have never considered myself straight edge. I have enjoyed alcohol and certain drugs. I never drank or did drugs until I was 21, but not for any particular reason. It just happened that way.
Emprah !hxQA7yTWjs 02/13/11(Sun)19:51 No.15552987
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Andrew, what is your stance on piracy in the music industry, how do you feel about your albums in particular being pirated
When it comes to downloading music without paying for it, I understand people’s concerns, but it’s been hard for to ever really feel upset personally. I think of downloading kind of like the radio. All I want is for people to listen to what I’m putting out there. Everything else will take care of itself.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:54 No.15553146
This is so fail
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:53 No.15553091
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Say Andrew. Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?
Of course I like Huey Lewis and The News and I’m very impressed with my new business card. It’s on an eggshell linen cardstock.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:57 No.15553274
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I have seen JERSEY SHORE and I enjoyed it. I liked the DTF vibe.
Quill !!uYEqP0oH488 02/13/11(Sun)19:58 No.15553324
Dear Andrew, Who was the most badass president
Van Buren.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:34 No.15552397
Is your crazy persona just a celebrity shell and you’re actually just a regular guy? If so, does it ever get old?
I’m not a regular guy. I’m Andrew W.K.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:50 No.15552959
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Be honest Andrew W.K., have you ever pirated a song? And what was it?
I used Napster and Limewire a lot when they first came out. I loved that I could think of any song and then get it. Then I used iTunes from time to time, but over the years I’ve been downloading less and buying more CDs, which I didn’t expect would happen. I guess the reason I prefer CDs is that almost anywhere I go in the world, whether in a car, or in some office building or someone’s house, I can most likely find a CD player, and that’s all I care about being able to hear music where I am.
[Picture of PARTY HARD Andrew W.K. advice dog]
I love this Advice Dog picture of the bloody wolf. It is very party.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:48 No.15552835
Hey andrew, how do you stay so positive? a lot of people here resent you attitude, can you please respond to negativity with a three page answer about how to better your life?
I think staying positive all the time is kind of un-fun. Life has all kinds of feelings to offer and I’d like to experience as much as possible. One of the reasons I like 4chan is because it’s not all positive. I love negativity very much and every feeling between happy and sad. Overall, the experience of being alive is inherently positive, and within that why not enjoy your emotions – just remember that at the end of the day, everything about existence is completely absurd. But of course 99.9999% of 4chan users already understand this essential truth.
annasophia !Robb/zxvrg 02/13/11(Sun)20:02 No.15553471
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Unlikely this will be answered, but what is your favorite Boredoms album? I think I remember reading somewhere you were one of the drummers for the 77 Boadrum performance.
My two favorite Boredoms albums are WOW 2 and Pop Tatari. But even more than those, I like Hanatarashi albums by Eye solo.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)20:14 No.15553803
Andrew is there anything that you don’t like?
The only things I don’t like are things that aren’t intense.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)19:53 No.15553117
Would you work with Lil B the Based God?
Yes! I would love to work with Lil B. I’ve been in touch with him on the computer and he’s been really, really nice. I just included him in a feature I did in FRONT magazine in the UK – he’s one of my favorite new musicians. Lil B also played his first New York City show at the venue I co-own, Santos Party House. Lil B is the Based God.
Crydamoure 02/13/11(Sun)20:34 No.15553953
How do you feel knowing you partied so hard, you crashed 4chan?
Crashing 4chan because we partied so hard t is truly one of the most awesome things I’ve ever been a part of.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)20:37 No.15553999
Have you heard Odd Future Wolf Gang?
Odd Future is awesome. I’m hosting a Santos Party House concert with Thrasher Magazine in Austin, Texas for South by South West and Odd Future are playing. So is Pentagram. But it’s a secret so don’t tell anyone else.
Anonymous 02/13/11(Sun)20:42 No.15554165
Do you enjoy listening to your own music, Andrew?
I enjoy playing my own music live, and I enjoy listening to my songs as I’m recording them. As you’re aware, a lot of times when you’re recording or writing a song, you end up listening to the same thing over and over and over. As far as listening to it after the recording is done, it all depends. Its always a strange experience.
Andrew W.K. ## PARTY HARD 02/13/11(Sun)20:53 No.15554476
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[Last Post]
I want to say THANK YOU so much to everybody here, and I mean EVERYBODY for dealing with me and making this so amazing. 4chan is one of the most awesome, intense, and party things ever and it’s been a genuine honor to do this chat today. I’m sitting here across from moot and I must commend him for creating this amazing place. But it’s everyone here who really makes it SWAG. PARTY PARTY PARTY HARD FOREVER. P.S. Someone requested a picture with a shoe on my head, so there you go.
We hope in the future there is another Andrew W.K. 4chan AMA!