• Post category:News

This is your time to pay, this is your judgement day! Pay tribute to Andrew W.K. by submitting any cover songs, remixes or original Party Rock genre of songs. You’ll have 1 1/2 months from today, your deadline and judgement day is April 30th 2011. So hurry up and submit your tracks!

Here is a sample of what’s to come

Pursuit of Partyness Preview by Michael Ripka

Upload your tribute tracks here.

Steps to upload

  1. No need to “signup” for anything
  2. Click the “Choose File” button
  3. Find the file on your hard drive and select it
  4. Hit “upload” to upload the file to us! And you’re done!


  • To get credit for an upload please “leave a comment” within this post. Describe your upload and who you are.