Welcome Back To Andrew W.K. Music!
Hello! My name is Rich. I have been closely following Andrew W.K. and his music career for 10+ years. If you have visited other Andrew W.K. online outlets, I’ve also gone by the nickname “dickalan”. Make sure to say “hello” in the comments of this post if we have crossed paths before! Yep, that’s me right there —>
Anyway, if this is your first time visiting the website let me give you a quick introduction to what this is all about and why being “back” is a big deal. I initially launched the fanpage AndrewWKMusic around July, 2009. It was originally hosted with “Google Sites” until we outgrew it and moved to more legitimate hosting and also upgraded the website. For nostalgia, you can still check out that original website as it exists in its backed-up form. Eventually I launched AndrewWKMusic.com in the Winter of 2009. And that’s when this fanpage really started making somewhat of an impact. Over the next three years I gradually accomplished everything I hoped to achieve + more! This was of course only possible due to the incredible fan base Andrew W.K. has. Thank you guys! Unfortunately around November, 2012 I had to shut the website down. Luckily, you can still see a very limited backup of AndrewWKMusic.com. Which leads us up to today (5/9/14). I’m happy to announce today that I’m re-launching AndrewWKMusic.com. If you didn’t already know this, it also happens to be Andrew W.K.’s birthday today. Happy birthday Andrew! Also, if you start navigating through the site and you notice a lot of blank spaces it’s because I’m still working to rebuild the site. Please be patient as I get all the content back to 100% of where it use to be.
A Fan Club?
You may have already noticed a change in our slogan from “Archiving All Things AWK” to “The Unofficial Fan Club”. Although the core of this website still revolves around the media archive, you will now be prompted to join our “fan club” before you can begin downloading archived material. Meaning you need to join our Fan Club. Joining the fan club/forum and downloading archived material will always be FREE. However, there are costs associated with hosting this site plus the time I spend pouring all my love into it. So if you would like to make a donation feel free by clicking the button below.
The Music
In some weird and ironic way I’ve actually accumulated more rare stuff since I’ve been off the grid than when I was actively trying to reach out to people. Lastly, AWK fans are amazing and filled with passion. And for that reason I can’t wait to collaborate and discuss and party with you!