Serious and major props to Joefrederick for this! This version has an extra 45 minute long concert from Taiwan on it +more! Not only does this include the archived DVD files but also Hi-Res scans of the art! Just burn the DVD files using your favorite DVD burning software, no need to re-author anything! To retrieve this DVD it will be a little different then our normal archived materials. It will take some minor how-to knowledge using torrents, this is due to its massive size of 4gb big. You’ll need a program such as Utorrent.
Once you’ve completely finished this torrent PLEASE, PLEASE seed the file as long as you possible can. Meaning, you leave your computer on and the Utorrent program running while people retrieve the file from YOU. Please especially do this if people are still leeching it from you (you’ll know what I mean once you see it in Utorrent).
For those who just really really really dont get how to use torrents contact me and we’ll work something else out.
I realize the use of torrents might be a little more involved then the average user might be use to so please contact me at for any questions