• Post category:News

Subscribe to the AndrewWKMusic  YouTube Channel! Though we’ll always “archive” the original Andrew W.K. videos in the highest quality and format available, we’ve also decided to upload many of these videos to YouTube for your convenience. To kick off the party, here’s Andrew W.K. in a VIDEO GAME!



Backyard Wrestling Don’t Try This at Home: AWK Footage

Remember this video of Andrew at the Gathering of the Juggalos in 2008? Well revenge is sweet. Check out this Backyard Wrestling Don’t Try This at Home – Gameplay.

This is a really old and rare Expedia.com commercial that featured Andrew W.K.’s “It’s Time To Party”, the We Want Fun album version. One of his first commercial appearances, if not the first!

A really old Target commercial.

Also I just had to throw these in here because they’re so awesome!!!


KANGOO Live from Hanson Records on Vimeo.

Isis & Werewolves

ISIS & WEREWOLVES Live 1997 from Hanson Records on Vimeo.